Learning to Understand How the Web can be Used

After going through every week and learning more and more the pieces have almost completely come together at this point. Of course, there is always more to learn but this week wrapped up the obvious pieces of what we needed to know to finish the class strong. Now it is not only time to use what we have learned but realize that what we have learned has affected how we research, how we use a website, and how we now navigate the web and all of its many features.

Not only have we learned how to use the web effectively, how to adjust our own websites to make them more user friendly, but in this chapter, we learned that we need to protect ourselves. We are made to understand while the internet is helpful and made to work for us it also uses us and our information whether we realize it or want it to. There are plenty of people and businesses that work solely on our information and the more we put out we can never take back. It is then a good idea to make sure that we guard ourselves, are conscious about how we interact with the internet. That we make an effort to stay safe in a world where it is almost impossible to keep your information to yourself.

This lesson is visible day to day, in everything we do and every permission we grant the electronic companies in our lives. I have begun to sift through ads, checking what is ok and what is not by my standards of “how much is too much?” What are your standards for willingness to share information? Would you allow people to track your location and sell that information? Whether or not you realize so many apps and websites nickel and dime information. Even our favorite games, making it feel rather difficult to moderate who gets access to what information. How do you try to keep your private information private? Are there things you will allow to access your private information?
